指導教授: 全任重
上課時間: W7W8W9
教室: 綜三數圖電腦室
使用軟體: Cabri Geometry、Cabri 3D
教師個人網站: http://www.math.nthu.edu.tw/~jcchuan/
學生: 李尹
系級: 數學14
學號: 9921126
Geometric Construction Main page
10/5 Non-fighting Platonic solids And Deltoidal Icositetrahedron
10/12 Uniform Star Polyhedrons, Polyhedrons Based on Platonic solids And Rhombic Hexecontahedron
10/19 Cupolas And Polyhedrons Based on Cupolas
10/23 Some moving structure & Tight Kaleidocycle
10/26 Maximized Polyhedrons in Other Polyhedrons And Some Compounds
11/2 Nets And Some Non-fighting parts based on Nets